Sunday, January 1, 2012
Hell-oh, sick people!

Wow, 2011 has passed and we are now going through another year. I felt that 2011 went by really fast but nonetheless, it was the most amazing year I've ever had so far. I wouldn't trade what I went through in 2011 for anything. I learnt a lot, went through so many shit, but most of it were happy. I met a great bunch of people I hope to grow to learn more about them. It has just been a wonderful year. In any case, let's start from the beginning shall we?
20 highlights of 2011:
- O' Level results
- Getting in to Visual Communication
- MGMT & The Whitest Boy Alive
- More indie music
- Jimmy Eat World
- Camp Ohana
- Kwa Leh (Kwa si mi?)
- DB39
- Amirah
- Family
- The Cranberries
- Two Door Cinema Club
- Lykke Li
- Tiara, Ika, Andi
- Change of class
- Norman, Atqh
- Programmers
- DOTC 1
- L4D2
- Single
Now that 2012 is coming, I have more to explore, I seriously do especially about myself. I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for me. Honestly, I'm scared to face another year, also because I'm going to turn 18 soon! I knew all along that being 17 years old was going to be great and 2011 didn't disappoint me. But 18 years old? That's pretty huge. I think I'm going to feel as though there's going to be a lot of responsibility attached to me.
Fortunately, the first few months sounds promising!
This January and only in just 2 weeks, 2 WEEKS, I'll be seeing Foster The People, Bombay Bicycle Club and The Naked And Famous! I'm pretty psyched about that. My Momma's birthday is coming soon too, still thinking of what to get for her.
In February, I'm hoping to get a good birthday celebration but if not, I guess I'll be spending my 18th birthday at home which I guess doesn't sound like a total bad idea. Sounds pretty badass not giving a fuck. I'm also hoping that I get to go to Laneway Festival. Tickets as a birthday present anyone?
Nothing much going on in March. Oh hold on, it'll be DOTC 2! Honestly CANNOT wait for it actually, I hope nothing screws my excitement for it! And it'll be Amirah's birthday!
In April, my first year in Temasek Polytechnic will be over. How fast time flies, seriously. Also, I hope that my trip to Paris will come in this month! It's been so long since I've visited and I think it's about time baby! Also, at the end of April will be Camp Aten for the Freshmen, so sexcited!
Well, that's about it. I guess 2012 sounds alright for now. Let's just remain positive, be happy and keep the smile going! Take care everyone and have a blessed year! <3
See you strangers.