Monday, January 16, 2012
Hell-oh, sick people!

Foster The People:

This will probably be a long post of spasms and happiness. It was one of the greatest weekend I have ever had. Possibly the best.
Saturday, January 14, 2012

I couldn't sleep every night just thinking about my weekend gigs. First up was Foster The People. I was honestly really excited for FTP. Met Danial at Dhoby Ghaut and headed to Fort Canning, thanks to directions given by Sabrinah. I must thank her loads because she let me cut the long queue resulting in standing on the second row at the concert!
I thought the Singapore band (apologies that I've forgotten their band name) that opened for FTP was good and felt it was fucking rude when someone shouted 'Get the fuck off the stage!'. Seriously, was that necessary? They were given a huge chance to play for a gigantic crowd and that's what they get? That band wasn't even cocky and in fact was actually really good and that's the treatment they got? Dumbfucks, I tell you. I get that you wanted to see FTP, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened to FTP when they first started out. Show respect, gosh. Just sayin'.
Anyway, when it started, the crowd went insane and started pushing like crazy. It was hot and I was drenched in my own sweat, I literally had a shower in my own sweat. It was really hard to breathe and my legs were killing. But seeing Mark Foster was amazing. You could see how happy he was playing for us. He gave us a speech about believing in yourself and I completely agreed with it and almost had tears. He also sang Ruby beautifully. The highlight song was Hustling, Say It Ain't So(cover) and Pumped Up Kicks. I was singing along to Mark singing Say It Ain't So and everyone didn't know the lyrics, felt nice.
Despite the pushing, a bunch of bitchy girls and quite an awful crowd, Foster The People were amazing. I was so exhausted after the gig though! Got some quality shots of the band, mostly of Mark though. Super thirsty after the concert!
Foster The People:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The People's Party. Officially one of the best days, one of the best nights and one of the best moments of my life. I left home early to buy some snacks for Bombay Bicycle Club to give them. It was an insane time of my life because of the fact that I was actually heading off to meet them.
Once I reached the destination, I had butterflies in my stomach. I was so thankful that Universal Music was giving me a chance to meet them. Their music has been wonderful. I waited for them for hour or so, I can't remember. Then, it was time. I met their manager (I think), Jason and he said, 'Yeah, I've heard about you, you're famous amongst all of us.' I was quite shocked at what he said because honestly, I didn't know what he was talking about.
Here's how it went.... So she called me over to meet them and I shook their hands. I think I said thanks a lot. I gave them my present to them and they were thankful for it, it was nice to see them happy. I love Jack's smile, I couldn't take it. Then, Jamie said, 'You wanna take a picture with us?' And that was really sweet because he offered and of course I wanted to take a picture with them! I stepped on Jack's foot on accident, eep! I apologised for being so short because they were really tall! So they decided to all squat down for the photo, so cute! I asked for another one where they're all standing. They were the sweetest and nicest people in a band that I had a chance to meet. I also got them to sign my shirt. The band manager asked me if I made it because he doesn't recognize it in their merchandise and he said it was nice, yay! Anyway, it was an amazing moment and a life changing one. Universal offered to let me hang with them the whole day but I didn't feel right leaving my friends alone at the concert. I know BBC will come back, so it's alright. <3 I am eternally grateful to everyone that helped me meet them! Lots of love!
I got a ride to Scape and was still in shock that I met Bombay Bicycle Club. They were so nice. For the rest of the afternoon, I just enjoyed the music with Farah and Annabella. I met up with Soufi too! It was fun. Super fun. Noughts and Exes and UMO were amazing. Loved their songs a lot!
But we all knew that we were only waiting for The Naked And Famous and Bombay Bicycle Club. It was pretty rad when The Naked And Famous went on. I couldn't get that many good pictures of Alisa, but there were nice ones of Thom! They did an amazing job, I really wished they played Jilted Lovers though! But TNAF put up an awesome show!
Of course.....all I was waiting for was Bombay Bicycle Club. While preparing, I saw Squib and Alex! Took a photo of each of them. Squib's really handsome, dayum son. When they did, their opening song was Shuffle. Oh how it was beautiful. Halfway through, Annabella pulled me to the second row and I got a much clearer view of Jack Steadman! Jamie Maccoll had a stage fall, so cute! We sang Happy Birthday to Jack because it's his birthday! I remember Jack saying 'This is embarassing.' Too cute. My heart raced like mad out of excitement when they played Lights Out, Words Gone; Lamplight and What If! The fact that they played What If last before their encore song was epic. They had such a great setlist. (': Mind fucking gig! And I love the way Jack says 'Thank you' after a few songs! But I'm glad they love Singapore! They even wanted to visit Tampines, so cute!
After the gig, me and Farah took care of Annabella until her parents came. Thank you Farah for helping out and hope you feel better Anna! Also thanks to Farihin and Wardah for helping out too! (:
Afterwhich Farah spotted Jamie, Ed and Suren outside with some fans. I went there wanting to talk to Jamie again and when he saw me from afar while talking to one of the fans, he waved at me! I went up to him after that and shook his hand again saying that it was awesome meeting him. But I'll never forget this part of the conversation:
Jamie: Are
Me: Yeah I am!
Jamie: You tweet about us a lot.
Me: Aw man I'm so sorry!
Jamie: Naw it's not a criticism!
I then understood why Jason said what he said when I met the band during the day. They actually knew me from Twitter and I was genuinely really shocked! I didn't expect that at all and I'm really happy they actually recognize me! It just shows they really read the tweets they receive. I had a great 5 minute conversation with Jamie. He's really outgoing and friendly, I love that. We talked about Singapore and what he did, how's tour, and he said Singapore's gig is the best he's had! Awh. I got a hug from him even though he was sweaty. It was great knowing him, seemed like such a chill guy to hang with!
Me and Farah went home in awe and post-concert-depression started kicking in! We couldn't stop spasming and neither could I. All I had in mind was how amazing Bombay Bicycle Club is. <3
Will never trade this mind blowing day for anything!
The People's Party:

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! I had more but I reduced it until a good amount of number to post on my blog. You can check out my Facebook, I have more photos of The People's Party up there!
Tell me if any of you readers were there and we can spasm together! I'm having really bad post concert depression or more Bombay Bicycle Club depression!
See you strangers.