Sunday, February 5, 2012
Hell-oh, sick people!

Most photos taken by Amirah and I've edited them! <3

My weekend was blissful. But Saturday was the most amazing. What more can I ask for than to spend my Saturday having a picnic to celebrate my advanced 18th birthday with my beloved friends and to end it off having steamboat with my family? Nothing. There's nothing to ask for. With these beautiful souls, I enjoyed myself.
After so many supermarkets, my cousin, sister and I couldn't find red food coloring so we had to proceed in to making a blue, yellow and green cupcakes but it turned out great! I was so excited for my picnic then even though everyone came late. Hahaha but it was so fun just camping at MRT waiting for them to stroll in. And Ika came first, can you believe it??? <3
The 5 of us, Ika, Amirah, Gladys, Mingli and I walked and found a lovely and dreamlike spot near a lake. We spread the geren checkered mat and began our picnic. It was awkward at first because everyone that came were strangers to each other. But it meant a lot to me that they came for me. Amirah went to fetch Andi at the MRT and I know how awkward he felt being the only boy. While waiting for Soufi and Ayesha, we played Taboo.
Afterwhich, Soufi and Ayesha came and they looked too cute. We ate and ate and it was silent because we were enjoying our food. Started paying Jenga but went back to Taboo because it was more interactive and laughter. I had Amirah help me take a ton of photos during my picnic and got ones with my babies! We ate cupcakes and ate a cake and all was well and beautiful.
I had an enjoyable day with my friends and an amazing night with my family. It might just be the best way to end my 17th year because my 17th year had been too good to be true. Thank you everyone who came to my picnic, lots of love my dears xx
Most photos taken by Amirah and I've edited them! <3



See you strangers.